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(HP同人)All the Ghosts are Screaming(英文版)

(HP同人)All the Ghosts are Screaming(英文版)



更新时间:2018-08-19 03:05:21 [共42章]

最新:第 42 节

推荐阅读: 重生之长孙皇后Yd高潮的感觉 (一见钟情) 、 坠落 (都市言情) 、 高能玩家[无限流] (异能小说) 、 听说我是啃妻族[快穿] (腹黑小说) 、 霹雳之缘荷仙缘 (传统武侠) 、 别哭 (傲娇小说) 、 白日梦我我祖父的房子前有一个花园用英语怎么说 (系统流) 、 雁箱十二卷 (权谋小说) 、 非典型好莱坞生活 (职场小说) 、 劫天运娇妻什么意思知乎 (科幻小说) 、

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《(HP同人)All the Ghosts are Screaming(英文版)》作品介绍
AO3 完结
Harry had been told he had a bit of a saving people thing.
He hadn't paid much attention to it before, because he didn't see it as a bad thing. So what if he sometimes put himself in danger to save other people? So what if he would take a bullet for almost all of his friends?
It wasn't something he thought he had to fix, until the day he's sitting beside Ginny in court watching Malfoy get put on trial, hearing the Wizengamot say that he had to stay on house arrest with an acceptable citizen, and no one speaks up, which meant that Malfoy was going to Azkaban.
Which is around the time that Harry stands up without really deciding to and offers up a room at Grimmauld Place.
So yeah. Maybe he does have a bit of a saving people thing.
DMHP。略沉重。警告:有非主角人物自杀未遂,有PTSD描写,HarryDraco 战后都有一点点精神问题。
哦另外,这篇文的时态似乎有点问题,意识到的时候已经看完一半了,所以没有beta 错字等等倒是beta了。
《(HP同人)All the Ghosts are Screaming(英文版)》最新章节(提示:已启用缓存技术,最新章节可能会延时显示,登录书架即可实时查看)
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《(HP同人)All the Ghosts are Screaming(英文版)》 正文
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声 明:

㈠ 《(HP同人)All the Ghosts are Screaming(英文版)》为作者olivemartini原创小说作品,由网友上传分享, 如有内容侵犯您的合法权益,请及时与我们联系,我们将第一时间安排删除。

㈡ 《(HP同人)All the Ghosts are Screaming(英文版)》是一篇精彩的独宠小说类作品,希望广大书友支持作者,支持正版。

㈢ 《(HP同人)All the Ghosts are Screaming(英文版)》为网站作者olivemartini所著虚构作品,不涉及任何真实人物、事件,作品中的观点和立场与本站的立场无关,本站只为广大书友提供免费电子阅读平台,请勿将杜撰作品与现实挂钩。

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