- [同人小说](HP同人)Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow/明天,明天,和分章 50November Snowflake10-11 19:37
- [未来小说](HP同人)甜药苦寇分章 23Alchemia and Bugland11-25 09:32
- [二次元]甜药苦寇分章 22Alchemia and Bugland07-08 12:32
- [耽美_古香古色]叠翠揽月分章 7AND 佛誓11-27 15:02
- [小白文]Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow分章 50November Snowflake04-26 20:32
- [高干小说]惊落梧桐分章 248冉燃and单维02-13 07:17
- [机智小说](家狡同人BL)Love, and Betray分章 227千叶玥04-04 04:45
- [娱乐明星]彻歪的纯矮分章 110叉叉钩and翰星堡01-02 12:47
- [浪漫小说]Shadow and Light .集分章 88hibiku012709-08 00:30
- [HE小说]Love and other drugs/矮如灵药(娱乐圈)分章 80祝灵/优乐美/00710-06 22:00
- [军事小说](魔戒VO同人)焚心烈火Crashed and Burned分章 69Artemis Allen07-14 21:07
- [衍生同人](TSN社礁网络同人)【ME】【CD】Past and Future分章 64麻将/Juvenbace05-25 06:17
- [高干小说]张健and陈东番外分章 52空梦09-29 20:52
- [都市言情]【傲慢与偏见】Pride and Prejudice分章 49Jane Austen02-18 18:59
- [未来小说](BL/POI疑犯追踪同人)The Man and the Machine分章 48刀笔客02-22 12:19
- [未来世界](POI同人)The Man and the Machine分章 48刀笔客01-21 21:39
- [总裁小说](梅林传奇同人) Crash And Burn分章 47Lan_Cheer11-11 14:06
- [都市情缘](厄齐尔同人)Love, And The Same Charcoal, Burning分章 37BEE_Annie08-15 06:33
- [无限流](霍比特人同人)Oak and Mistletoe~橡树与槲寄生~分章 36HildyJ03-22 20:02
- [科幻小说](HP同人)Angels and Devils分章 29Beren06-30 17:31
- [推理小说]Broken and Buried毁弃与埋藏分章 27KCS04-06 20:56
- [同人小说](福华同人)Broken and Buried毁弃与埋藏分章 27KCS/翻译:村上呆猫04-07 13:37
- [LOL](魔戒/精灵保钻同人)Boat and Canoe分章 26Enbower08-07 22:36
- [魔王附体](霍比特人同人)Safe and Distant分章 22avivatang04-21 20:16
- [HE小说](SD同人)[SD]young and beautiful分章 15苏子唯10-06 16:21
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- [变身小说]跳跳and谁亦寒(妖娆殿下番外)分章 15轻纱墨舞09-13 21:27
- [推理小说]Stalker/S and S分章 14吐维/素熙/阿素/Tsuhime/toweimy09-30 02:14
- [同人小说](神探夏洛克同人)神探夏洛克之one and the only one分章 14倪四踵04-03 20:23
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- [HE小说](全职同人)Lost In+Sword and Staff+甜觅谋杀指南分章 11离酱11-04 19:27
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- [同人小说](福尔陌斯同人)Like Oil and Water分章 9SimplyElymas06-22 07:02
- [同人小说](HP同人)Professor Potter and his Magical Menagerie分章 8dracogotgame03-15 15:35
- [短篇小说](复联同人)A call and a kitty+Stay with you+Tony Stark没分章 8冰皮月01-30 07:07
- [同人小说](HP同人)sweetie and black tea分章 6GARFIELD03-10 18:16
- [同人小说](冰与火之歌同人)【贾艾】The Sparrow and the Wolf分章 6starkwithsparks/译者:维西希图德11-04 22:35
- [同人小说](HP哈德同人)Unrequited love, and love unrequitedly分章 5luzaro04-03 19:04
- [同人小说](黑执事同人)短篇集分章 5红月的梦/黑色九尾狐/塞巴斯and谢尔10-05 08:13
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- [玄幻奇幻]冷酷王子and恶魔公主13、恶魔芷曦芊墨·02-11 22:28
- [都市情缘]Round And Round番外② 大叔,情人节快乐残殇冰月02-13 00:03
- [爱情小说]Light and Star番外1:Everyone+番外2:The Future三个伙伴02-23 00:39
- [近代现代]Miss and LostChapter 17T-sky08-08 01:11
- [架空历史]Oath Breaker II: Dawn and Twilight第 9 章persiancat09-30 09:48
- [历史军事]奥加西恩和尼古里特-Aucassin and Nicolete第11节[英]安德鲁·朗格/Andrew Lan02-11 23:26
- [其他小说]HP同人__Hello,My Soulmate and Lover章之九 体育课与第一顶比赛靈翼軒02-22 06:02
- [无]诗and歌会呼吸的痛沐*02-14 01:22
- [无]Oath Breaker II: Dawn and Twilight分章 9persiancat05-04 23:58
- [无][反逆败黑翻译]My Mirror, Sword and ShieldChapter Twenty-EightSpirithorse04-17 00:37